Monday, May 6, 2013

Love/dating advice // I'm a woman in her late 40s...

Dear David,
I'm a woman in her late 40s and I look pretty good at my age. I haven't dated anyone in a long time. I'd like to know around what age do men make a shift to where they are usually capable of having a mature relationship like discussing problems, taking care of responsibilities, etc. At my age, I have a low tolerance for B.S. 

I am sometimes attracted to younger men in their 20s, but I'm not looking for fun but a real relationship. I should add that the last time I was involved with someone, it was with a 24 year old who I felt very close to and who was a close friend, but when something finally began, he made some immature mistakes I got upset about, and things quickly ended.
~Miss Should I Skip the 20 Year Olds?

Dear Miss Skip,
I wouldn't skip younger men. Not at all. Just make sure your radar is up for anyone who many be generating some chemistry for you. One of my rules is that when choosing between lovers take the younger. I think there is someone inside of everyone who is looking for another person who completes them. You mention "immature mistakes". That goes with the territory at ANY age. You sound like a fun, adult, caring person. Some guy (probably younger than you) is going to appreciate that a lot. This is the year of good luck. It is waiting for you! Go get it!

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