Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring Fashion ~ great jackets & loafers

Listen, Spring is here! Time to shift gears and try something new, even if you are pretty conservative. Here are some things to think about.

1. The little jacket and the big bag. I think the are really here. Somehow it makes you look younger, trimmer, more ready for a new life in the new century. The light blue pants are okay and look good but aren't nessesary. Longer hair too. This is a 1960s throwback I kind of like.

2. The bright yellow jacket looks really good. Of course there are going to be more dry cleaning bills with all these lighter colors but I think this is a light color that is really very masculine. The rolled up pants cuffs I am not sure I like and the shoes with no socks I will never go to. I think the whole thing makes you feet look too big.

3. The loafer seems seems to be back. I actually have a pair I bought in once of those recycling stores and I wear a lot when I'm traveling because it makes going through airport checks really easy. Kick 'em off. Stuff them back on. There has been something really "stuffy guys in Palm Beach" about loafers but I think we can get over it. I think the green ones a lot.

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