Thursday, September 29, 2011

Come On Out! with David Leddick ~ Episode 8

Welcome to today's episode of Come On Out! with David Leddick, where I interview my friend Kyle Pyler about his personal coming out story. Enjoy!

Men's Fashion Notes - Older Male Models & New Suits

1. Something that has suddenly arrived in men's fashion is older models.
Some are guys I remember from some twenty years ago who have returned to the big-time looking worn but still handsome. Some I haven't seen before. Does this mean an end to the skinny teenage boys who have dominated the industry in recent years? Wearing the clothes those boys can get into but the rest of us can't. The older male models indicate that men's wear is going after their real buyers. It must be the recession.

2. Here are some nice suit looks:

I mentioned last week in the women's fashion news that green seems to be popping up everywhere. Now vivid blue seems to be arriving for men. I thought the bright blue look very standout, though tough if you aren't quite dark and dashing.

The gray suit with the kind of turquoisey-blue accessories in a meeting would certainly say that you might be gay but you sure know how to dress.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Handsomest Man in the World ~ Sexy Manly Man

Handsomest Man in the World yet again. I have no idea who this is and he will never know he passed a week as Handsomest Man in the World. An Australian surfer from a European men's fashion magazine. this definitely comes under the heading of masculine. And there he is, lost on the soggy sands of some far off beach. I am sure there are plenty of locals that appreciate him...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This is a Social Question...

Dear David,
This is a social question. I have been socializing with a gay couple whom I find, or should I say, have found interesting, traveled, well-informed. But now my take on them is that they are avid social climbers that want to stay with people when they travel, have you pay for most of their meals you share and overall do not really qualify as friends. How do I stop seeing them without some kind of confrontation?
~What To Do?

Dear What To Do,
You just become unavailable. In this instance, you can lie. When you run into them smile, be pleasant, say you must get together. But you never do. If they just drop by, don't answer the door. If they want to have dinner, you are just leaving town and will call as soon as you are back. Which you don't do. you must never have a meal with them. At parties, chat for a few moments and then dash off. The impression: you are terribly busy. After about three months they will get the idea.

Monday, September 26, 2011

On the Edge

Dear David G.D.,
I am at the stage in my relationship with someone I am dating where I would like to move forward to more of a commitment. He keeps saying he doesn't want to get serious yet he texts me three or four times a day. I feel we are close but don't want him to get scared and run.

He has been on vacation with his family and keeps reporting back on his young nephew, whom he adores. I have been at his apartment watering plants and see that he has several orchids that are completely dead. I am thinking of buying new ones to welcome him when he comes home. Is that too much?
~On the Edge

Dear Edgy,
Does that G.D. in your message stand for Gay Dish or God Damn? I hadn't thought about that before. To answer you, NO, do not buy flowers. My take is that his is very gun shy on anything sentimental and that is sort of "sharing a home." What I would do is buy some fun T-shirts or something like that for the nephew. He would love that I am sure and would feel closer, in that you both love that kid. I think you can pay a lot of attention to the child and it will make the two of you more and more of a couple. Try it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Come On Out! with David Leddick ~ Episode 7

Welcome to today's episode of Come On Out! with David Leddick, where I interview my famous photographer friend David Vance about his personal coming out story. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Women's Fall Fashion 2011 ~ Fashion No-No's

It's Fashion Day. And today I want to talk a little to women about new fashion they can ignore. We are going through a kind of "ugapach" period in fashion. That's a great yiddish word I learned when I worked for Revlon. It means "all messed up and not good." So here's some stuff I think you don't need to bother about:

1. Fur Purses. I am very opposed to fur. Not for humanitarian reasons but because it makes you look older. As I have said before, the great beauties like Babe Paley never wore it. It adds ten years to your age. You need a swell little cloth coat. And a neat little purse. Not made of fur.

(John Galliano & Kate Moss, American Vogue Magazine)
2. Kate Moss. This is so over. I really don't understand why American Vogue would give her wedding all those pages. She's a long-in-the-tooth model. I have said goodbye to the 20th century. I think you should, too.

(Glee Cast via American Vogue Magazine)
3. Glee. I really don't get it. Are you allying yourself with the high school rejects? I promise you, you are not in that category. You get what you expect, not what you want. Expect new beauty and fun and romance, my darlings, wherever you are, however old you are.

4. Bell bottom pants. Out, I say, out! They looked terrible in the 1960s and they make your legs look shorter. Need I say more?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Handsomest Man in the World ~ Guy Lubelchik

Our Handsomest Man in the World for this week is a model I found in a copy of Tetu, the French gay magazine. His name is Guy Lubelchik. He is with Yuli Models in Paris should any of you want to track him down. Yes, Guy (pronounced "Gee!"), you ARE hot.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Berlin & Art

My Dear Readers,
As you know I just returned from Berlin and France. I have only been in Berlin once before and when I was there this time I wanted very much to visit the Bode museum on that city's famous museum island. This museum had a lot of sculpture as well as painting from the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, which I guess you call Renaissance and late Renaissance.

I particularly wanted to see a bust of John the Baptist, which is extremely different from how his is generally depicted. Here he is quite a fragile, pretty teenager. This bust is quite small also, maybe 8 inches high, which the photograph doesn't suggest.

As I went through the museum I was struck by how much of the male nude art really is homoerotic. These are not just men with their clothes off, but men depicted in ways that gay men would find beautiful. Women were not depicted nude much at all in this time period and the clothing upper class men wore was very revelatory with tights, very short breeches, codpieces to exaggerate sexual parts.

1. Peter Paul Rubens
Hercules Drunk Being Led Away By A Nymph And A Satyr, 1611

2. Andrea Del Verrocchio (1435-1488)

3. Giambologna (1529-1608)
Mars, 1580

I would like to know more about this but as far as I know no one has ever written anything about men admiring men in this time period in any notable way. Interesting.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Stray Dog Will Eventually...

Dear David's Gay Dish,
I need your help. I'm a gay man in his forties. I am in good shape, I would say not unattractive, not stupid, earn a good living. Through my work I recently met a man who works in the building. He is in his early twenties, is extremely handsome, has tattoos on great big arms, comes from a very distressed family background. He is one of those men who does not consider himself gay but has certain amounts of sex with other men. He is having a certain amount of sex with me. I am passionately involved with him. I don't think he can be passionately involved with anyone. Surely I am not wasting my time and yet my emotions are deeply stirred. I feel I must just drop him from my life. One of my female friends told me, "A stray dog will eventually bite you in the ass no matter how cute they are."

I would very much appreciate your advice.
~On Dangerous Ground

Dear D.G.,
You can't drop someone who means this much to you. As I have so often said and written, you are the one who is living. You are the one who is feeling something and growing and experiencing. If he isn't, that's too bad. If you were just hankering for him and he was the impossible dream, I would say forget it. Many gay men have these "crushes" and I think that is a waste of time. But you do have some sexual contact. Something intimate is occurring. I think that if he is going to grow up you can be very instrumental in this. And sexually men move on from one thing to another as a relationship endures. Hang in there. You can only feel the heights of emotion if you are will to risk the depths. And don't stray dogs deserve a chance, too? You're not trying to start a family. You are having a romance.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Women's Fall Fashion 2011 ~ My Favorites

Things I think look great and will make you look great. They don't have to be these exact items. Just the look. I endorse no one. I just read an interview with Helen Mirren and she said, "You pay a fortune for a couture jacket and a few dollars from one from a thrift shop. You walk down the street and look exactly the same." Precisely, the day of needing brand name reinforcement is over. Anyway, here we go:

1. I loved these Max Mara looks.
The new simplicity. I find often the second tier of ready to wear gets it better. I like Hugo Boss for men and they don't get a lot of attention. Smooth camel-hair. I like it:

2. I loved this little haircut.
Who wouldn't look cute in it? But if you are not in the first flush of youth you should wear sizable clip-on earrings. No dangle:

3. I think what Karl Lagerfeld does with Chanel usually looks foolish. But this little bolero jacket with a big fake flower in the same color I thought had something to say. Dark green looks new to me. But not over another jacket and particularly not with that hair:

4. I thought this little black dress with the glitter embroidery looks swell for evening and very easy to replicate. I will bet it will be all over the place in inexpensive copies. You don't have to have that cleavage. Cleavage says "I'm available." Do you really want to say that? I find this particularly distressing on high school students. Girls, of course:

5. And I liked this big bracelet. I never really got all the little bracelets. Those great big stones look like you mean it and you don't mind the attention. The hair? I think it's on the way out:

6. And I was taken with these green outfits from Mulberry.
Green again. And I'm liking socks with high heels. Bootish high heels. Am I wrong? I think the bootish heels keep you up out of the rain and sludge. They would in New York:

Stay tuned for next Thursday where I'll talk about new women's fashion you should just ignore...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Handsomest Man in the World ~ Dean Monroe

It is the day for Handsomest Man in the World. And today we present Mr. Dean Monroe. Mr. Monroe is a new pornstar and I think he should move up to legitimate films right away. A great face for the camera and what a body! I am going to order a film just to see more...

(Photo: Dean Monroe by Dylan Rosser)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Relationship With No Sex?

Dear Mr. David,
I have friends, a couple in their late thirties, early forties. The one I know best told me they don't have sex. They have a mountain of relationship problems and the fact they don't even have sex I find kind of sad. I thought that was why they were together. My friend says that the relationship is much more important that the sex part and he can get along without it. What should I think of this?
~Bothered & Bewildered

Dear B. & B.,
Mr. David, that's nice. Well Mr. David cannot imagine staying in a relationship with no sex. I mean, is that a relationship? Or is that roommates? And I suspect that these "friends" you talk about are actually you and your meaningful other.

My own position is that your physical and mental health really benefits enormously from lovemaking and without it you (or your friend) will become increasingly stressed, anxious and embedded in a really bad relationship. That's what I think. This may be what many marriages are, but that doesn't mean it's good. My question is, what is keeping you in this relationship? Do you have a deep, hungering need to suffer? Are you that afraid of being alone? Think about it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Put Jam On It Or Something...

Dear David,
My lover has recently expressed the wish to add some S&M to our sexual activities. Being tied to the bed doesn’t interest me at all. What’s cooking? What should I do? Any ideas?
~Born Free

My Dear Born Free,
Listen, this kind of stuff usually means he’s sexually bored. Not that he feels he deserves a good whipping. This whole mystique that there is a thin line between pain and pleasure escapes me, too. If it hurts it hurts. If it was me, I wouldn’t wander off into the weird stuff. Is your sexual routine routine? Think about what you would like to do. Surely there are places you have not gone. Or as your relationship has matured new ideas or wants have emerged. At least, study yourself and go there first. I’ll bet he’ll like it fine. I mean, put jam on it or something. Then at least you’re getting nutrition.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Come On Out! with David Leddick ~ Episode 6

Welcome to today's episode of Come On Out! with David Leddick, where I interview my artist pal Peter Hammar about his personal coming out story. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mens Fall Fashion ~ Hair, Sweaters and More!

This is men's fashion day. I am just back from Europe and I have a lot to say to you today. I think some of this stuff you will not be ready for, but this is where it's going. Men's suits are going to be stripped down, smooth, kind of flowing. I don't think this looks womanly. I like it and this it looks masculine and adult and the necktie is gone.

Note the jacket is shortish, the pants fullish. The overcoat is short. And if you do a color I think it's red or bright blue.

Hair: I was just in Panama before Europe and the guys are wearing long, long hair. I think this is happening. If you let it grow out, let it grow out. I think this is sexy, particularly if you don't have any clothes on.

Sunglasses: I think there may be a trend where men always wear sunglasses. Maybe they are replacing the tie. I saw this a lot in Europe. Think about it. Look around you.

Jewelry: I think the ball bracelet is okay, with your watch. It doesn't need to be encrusted with diamonds.

Sweaters: I am not big on this rush into button-front sweaters, but the giant cable stitch has something going for it. Particularly over a naked chest.

Cardigans: If you live in warm weather I love this navy blue cardigan with button front sweater and baggy pants. It should look girly but it does not. It makes you want to tear it off the model.

THE Look: Here it is from Tom Ford. Small jacket. Baggy pants. Dark glasses. It's all here.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Handsomest Man in the World ~ Mark Sanchez

Here we are again...Handsomest Man in the World Day. How about football player Mark Sanchez? You always think these guys are going to have great bodies but they tend to be kind of fat. Not Mr. Sanchez.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Online Dating Dilemmas

Dear David,
Here is a problem I run up against fairly frequently. I make contact with someone online. We arrange to meet. And the moment I lay eyes on him I know it isn't going to work. What to do? Some of my friends just walk away, which I think is very rude and demoralizing for the other person. What is your advice?
~Love 'Em or Lose 'Em

Dear L. & L.,
This is a frequent problem in the internet/digital world where everyone tends to overstate their charms. But you are right. It is wrong to be rude. Here's what I think: who knows whom they know. They might have some very hot friends so make a friend of this guy. Go to dinner. Chat a lot. Be really friendly and I think as he relaxes and is having a good time with you it is no problem to say, "You know, you're a great guy, but obviously we don't have that electricity going. So we should just be friends. What do you think?" You should be giving parties regularly so invite him to your next one. Then he'll invite you to one, and your circle of acquaintances is growing all the time. I am all up for meeting people socially rather than electronically so you have a little time to size up the situation. You sound like a nice guy, lots of luck.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Embarrassed To Ask, But...

Dear Davids Gay Dish,
I am kind of embarrassed to ask you about this but who else is there to ask? Sometimes I find myself having sex with someone I am not that excited about. Although the top, I lose my erection. What should I do?
~The Dilemma Man

Dear Dilemma Man,
Well, first, what are you doing there anyway? But that's not what you asked me. I think the best thing is to just say in his ear, "Sorry, but I had sex four times last night in a row and I just don't seem to be able to make this work." Which is a worthy excuse. But you will have to do something. You can't just excuse yourself and go home. And perhaps you should mull it over more before you leap into bed with someone next time. As I always say, "You don't have to sleep with everybody just because they want to."

Friday, September 2, 2011

Top 5 Video's On My Youtube Channel ~ David's Gay Dish

Hello everyone, today I thought I would let you know what my most searched/viewed video's on my Youtube Channel are. I think you will find the topics very interesting and full of great advice:

*Gay Role Models for Older Men (video above)

*Beauty Tips (click here for video)

*Sex & Long-Term Relationship Advice (click here for video)

*Come On Out! with David Leddick ~ Episode 1 (click here for video)

*Skincare & More (click here for video)


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hot Ads, Fashion & New Movies!

I am just back from racing around. Down to Panama, then off to Berlin, on to the French countryside and now back for rehearsal for my new musical based on my book "How To Be Gay in the 21st Century." Great sounds with David Cohen composing. He is so good.

I found three directions for men's fashion for the months ahead. I like long hair and the guy in the racing car driver's jumpsuit is extremely hot:

Here ladies, is a great dress from the Jil Sander collection that will certainly be very good this Fall. I love the little T-shirt gone wild. Always a great look for women. It is really better than cleavage in cold weather. Men know what's in there. You can't miss it.

What I also have for you is a new ad I thought was really sexy. It's an ad for a pocket watch of a woman clasping a man's body with his jeans slipping off. I call this "Time Out!" I thought you'd like a little extra sexiness today:


Being in Europe I have yet to see the movie Gun Hill Road, but there is a transsexual character played my Harmony Santana that I think prefigures a new direction. Mr. or Ms. Santana got great reviews and is not a joke. He really should be the woman he chooses to be. I've not been big on transsexuality as I think it kind of cuts those men off from a realistic sex life. But I am coming around.